Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Nails on July, Mint and Peach Nail, Review Nail Vita PK205 & Nail Vita BL509

Here came the day for wearing nail polish. After I've got my package from Rie Butik, I decided to play with those new nail polishs,just so happy coz finally I owned peach and mint color nail polish.There were so many accounts on Instagram that posted nailart picture of mint or peach color polish, I've been infected by them so much that's why I couldn't wait for apply that on my nails.

these are the bandits:

Left, Nail Vita BL509 Apple Milk
Right, Nail Vita PK205

Left,etude house dear my darling party nail pwh902, just put it on top of peach nail polish, doesn't really visible, but if you take attention closely to my nail, you will see a little hologram blink on it.
on Right, didnt use it

And here the result:

Love it so much, yes mint and peach, they've never been wrong.

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

July Haul's, Rie Butik PO Korea & USA

Banyak online shop yang menjual produk Korea and USA dengan sistem Pre-order/PO, salah satunya Rie Butik ini. Setelah cekidot reviewnya di forum female daily, akhirnya aku terpengaruh dan ikutan coba.Sebelumnya udah sering jajan PO di Kesho shop, tapi kali ini mau coba toko yang lainnya.

Ini dia belanjaannya, aku ikut PO 16 Juni, barang tiba Kamis 18 July

*kiri ke kanan
NYX slim eye pencil-moss green, TSF Nail Vita PK205, TSF Nail Vita BL509 Apple Milk, NYX slide on pencil-olive green, Etude House-Quick Dry Drop

Gak banyak kok pesennya, dari kelima barang yang datang, ada 1 yang salah kirim,dan 1 item yang di invoice email ditulis out of stock tapi ternyata itemnya ada di paket yang dikirim.Kecewa sih, cuma yah sudahlah...
Karena aku males balikin item yang salah kirim, akhirnya aku putusin buat dibeli ajah...haha

Item yang yang aku pesan campuran PO Korea dan USA jadi sampainya cukup lama, sekitar sebulan, kalau cuma PO Korea aja bisa lebih cepat sampainya.

Overall pelayanan dan sikap penjualnya lumayan okeh, yah berharap aja next time mereka gak salah kirim item lagi. :D